Christian Platonism

Rediscovering Ancient Wisdom

Posts Tagged ‘timeline

Timeline of Cambridge Platonists and Metaphysical Poets

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Timeline of Cambridge Platonists and English Metaphysical Poets

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SOME time ago I used an online service to make this timeline of Cambridge Platonists and Metaphysical Poets, thinking it might help others.  I naively assumed that by posting it on my Christian Platonist webpage, it would be routinely noticed by Google’s web crawlers, which would index it and cause it to appear in relevant Google image searches.I was wrong.  As sophisticated as the Google search engine is, it somehow couldn’t figure out (1) that this exactly what it claims, and (2) it would be of interest to anyone who searched for a timeline of, say, Cambridge Platonists or Metaphysical Poets.

Rather than pry into this enigma, it seems simpler to simply re-post the chart here, on a different web page and hope for better results!

Written by John Uebersax

July 6, 2022 at 12:15 am